Coalition for Early Life course studies supporting Public Health Intervention and Evaluation
CELPHIE is an alliance that unites expertise and experience across three Canadian research teams - one in Moncton, New Brunswick headed by Dr. Mathieu Bélanger, one in Toronto, Ontario headed by Dr. Katerina Maximova, and one in Montreal, Quebec headed by Dr. Marie-Pierre Sylvestre and Dr. Jennifer O’Loughlin.
Grounded in a “Cells to Society” perspective, CELPHIE aims to develop, nurture and expand Canadian expertise in studies of young people with specific emphases on novel analytic approaches and knowledge sharing. Our ultimate goal is to capitalize on the expertise across teams to best inform public health practice and policy pertaining to the primordial prevention of chronic disease among Canada’s youth.
Areas of methodological expertise include epidemiology and biostatistics, and specifically:
the conduct of longitudinal investigations of children, adolescents and young adults that address the early natural course of risk factors for adult chronic disease
organizational and public health systems research pertaining to health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada
Areas of substantive expertise include genetics, substance use, physical activity (including screen time, sedentary behavior and exergaming), socioeconomic inequalities and evaluation of public health programs and policy.