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  • Full Professor, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, University of Sherbrooke

  • Researcher, Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick

  • Epidemiologist, Vitalité Health Network

  • Pr. Bélanger has secured over 5M$ as a Principal Investigator. He is a co-investigator on projects amounting to over 15M$ and he helped obtain 70M$ in supplementary funding as a principal or co-investigator in major CIHR initiatives (i.e., the Strategy for Patient Oriented Research).

  • Principal Investigator of the MATCH study

  • Over 125 publications and 350 conference presentations including 40 as an invited speaker.

  • Pr. Bélanger led the IMPACTS lab which has a mission to uncover the power of lifestyle behaviours to reduce the burden of chronic diseases. His team uses advanced epidemiologic methods to better understand how physical activity evolves through the life course, what influences change in physical activity, and how it relates to health outcomes.

  • Pr. Bélanger leads major initiatives that aimed to increase health research capacity in New Brunswick (i.e., developing a research center, implementing research funding programs including a clinical-researcher salary award program, a research chair, a graduate studies program, and a pan-Canadian training strategy for the next generation of researchers).



  • Professor, School of Public Health, University of Montreal

  • Research Scientist, Carrefour de l’Innovation, University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM)

  • Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Early Determinants of Chronic Disease 2004-21

  • Elected member, American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium

  • Elected member, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

  • Principal Investigator of NDIT, AdoQuest and PromeSS

  • Over 350 publications and 500 conference presentations

  • Research focus: Increased understanding of the relative importance of genetic, psychosocial, behavioral and environmental determinants of the childhood risk for adult chronic disease.

  • Overall Dr. O’Loughlin’s work exemplifies interdisciplinary research grounded in public health, it demonstrates leadership in adolescent and young adult research, and it provides a “cells to society” underpinning for furthering early prevention of adult chronic disease.

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  • Associate Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Université de Montréal

  • Research scientist, Carrefour de l'innovation, CRCHUM

  • Holds a Junior 2 salary award from the Fond de recherche du Québec - Santé

  • Biostatistics advisor, Montreal Heart Institute Scientific Evaluation Committee.

  • Member of the CIHR College of Reviewers

  • Co-Principal Investigator of the Nicotine Dependence in Adolescents Study (NICO-NDIT) 

  • Principal investigator on two studies on the physical and mental health effects of cannabis use (CAPE and CAN-DO) 

  • Overall, Dr. Sylvestre’s research program is rooted in public health and seeks to rigorously develop, adapt, and compare statistical methods that fully embrace the complexities of real-world data so that they can readily inform health care practitioners and public health policy makers.

  • Research interests include innovative methods in longitudinal analysis, with a focus on youth substance use. She has authored methodological and substantive publications using trajectory analysis, mediation models and survival analysis.

  • She has created three libraries in R for flexible simulation and modeling of complex longitudinal data, including the Permutation Algorithm (PermAlgo), the Weighted Cumulative Exposure Model (WCE), and a 3-step approach to trajectory analysis (traj).​

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  • Murphy Family Foundation Chair in Early Life Interventions 2020-2025

  • Scientist, MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael’s Hospital

  • Associate Professor (Epidemiology), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

  • Member, Population Health Intervention Research Unit, School of Public Health, University of Alberta

  • Dr. Maximova has received several awards, including a Career Development Award in Prevention Research from the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute

  • Member, CIHR College of Reviewers

  • Dr. Maximova has played a major role in evaluating the impact of the APPLE Schools (A Project Promoting Healthy Living for Everyone in Schools) intervention program targeting physical activity, healthy eating, and mental health of children and youth experiencing marginalization. APPLE Schools currently reaches more than 21,000 students annually in 75 schools across northern Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Manitoba.

  • Principal Investigator of CIHR COVID-19 Rapid Research project to study the impact of prolonged school closure and social isolation on mental health and lifestyle behaviours of vulnerable elementary school children

  • Principal Investigator of CIHR-funded Public Health ORganizational CApacity STudy (PHORCAST) Cycle 3

  • Dr. Maximova’s research and policy work focuses on children and youth, including social dimensions of health, lifestyle behaviours that increase the future risk of chronic disease and mental illness, misperception of risk, and the effectiveness of early life interventions to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours in children and youth (healthy eating, physical activity, adequate amount of sleep)

  • Overall, Dr. Maximova’s goal is to advance solutions-oriented research to improve the early life experiences, development, and well-being of children and youth experiencing poverty.

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